Friday, August 6, 2010

FT9: de Moivre's Formula

In this section, we look at the analogue to de Moivre's formula, cos kx + i sin kx = (cos x + i sin x)k.

Let n be any integer. We know that L(n) + √5 F(n) = 2 φn.

It follows that, for any non-negative integer k:

  • L(kn) + √5 F(kn) = (L(n) + √5 F(n))k / 2k—1

If k is positive, we can expand this using the binomial theorem. Then, applying the fact that a + bβ = c + dβ implies that a = c and b = d if a, b, c, and d are rational and β is irrational, we can derive the following two formulas:

  • 2k—1 L(kn) = 0 ≤ j ≤ [k/2] (  k j ) 5 j F(n) 2j L(n) k—2j
  • 2k—1 F(kn) = 0 ≤ j ≤ [(k—1)/2] (      k     j + 1 ) 5 j F(n)2j+1 L(n)k—2j—1

Note: [x] here denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x.

However, the factor 2k—1 here gets in the way, and we'll come up with more useful versions of these formulas in the next section.

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