Sunday, August 8, 2010

FT18: Divisibility Properties for the Lucas Numbers

Two other formulas from part 16 contain terms with the factor F(m), and so can be treated similarly to the previous post. These are:

  • F(kn + m) (−1)(n+1)k/2 F (m) (mod L(n)),
    for k even.
  • L(kn+m) (−1)(n+1)(k−1)/2 F(m) L(n−1) (mod L(n)),
    for k odd.

Take m = 0 and use the fact that F(0) = 0 to see that:

  • L(n) | F (kn) for k even.
  • L(n) | L (kn) for k odd.

FT17: Divisibility Properties for the Fibonacci Numbers

Let's look at the first two congruences from the previous section:

  • F(kn + m) (−1)nk/2 F (m) (mod F(n)),
    for k even.
  • F(kn + m) (−1)n(k−1)/2 F (m) F(n−1) (mod F(n)),
    for k odd.

Since F(0) = 0, we can take m = 0 here to see that:

  • n | j implies F(n) | F(j)
(where "x | y" means "y is a multiple of x").

Here's a direct consequence of this:

  • If F(n) is prime, then either n is prime or n=4.

In fact, we can improve on the divisibility property. We'll show that:

  • gcd(F(m), F(n)) = F(gcd(m, n)) for non-zero m and n.

To see this, first observe that it's sufficient to look at positive m and n, since F(−x) = ±F(x).

Also, for x > 1, it's easy to see by induction that F(x−1) and F(x) are relatively prime.

Now, since gcd(m, n) | m and gcd(m, n) | n, the divisibility property above tells us that F(gcd(m, n)) is a common divisor of F(m) and F(n).

To complete the proof, we'll use mathematical induction. If the claim fails, we can let n be the least positive integer for which (*) there exists a positive integer m < n such that F(m) and F(n) have a common divisor d > F(gcd(m, n)).

Divide n by m to write n = qm + r, with 0 ≤ r < m.

Note that r > 0, since if m | n, we already know that there is no such d.

By the congruence for F, we have

F(n) = F (qm + r) ±F(r) or ±F(r) F(m−1) (mod F(m)).

So at least one of the four numbers ±F(r) or ±F(r) F(m−1) is equal to F(n) plus some multiple of F(m).

Since d divides both F(m) and F(n), d also divides at least one of the four numbers ±F(r) or ±F(r) F(m−1).

Now, d and F(m−1) are relatively prime; this is because d divides F(m), which is relatively prime to F(m−1). It follows that d divides F(r).

So we know that 0 < r < m and that d is a common divisor of F(r) and F(m). Also, n = qm+r, so gcd(r, m) = gcd(n, m), and hence that d > F(gcd(r, m)). But this contradicts the choice of n as the least positive number satisfying (*), completing the proof by induction.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

FT16: Summary of Modular Formulas for F(kn+m) and L(kn+m)

  • F(kn + m) (−1)nk/2 F (m) (mod F(n)),
    for k even.
  • F(kn + m) (−1)n(k−1)/2 F (m) F(n−1) (mod F(n)),
    for k odd.
  • L(kn + m) (−1)nk/2 L (m) (mod F(n)),
    for k even.
  • L(kn + m) (−1)n(k−1)/2 L (m) F(n−1) (mod F(n)),
    for k odd.

  • F(kn + m) (−1)(n+1)k/2 F (m) (mod L(n)),
    for k even.
  • 5 F(kn+m) (−1)(n+1)(k−1)/2 L(m) L(n−1) (mod L(n)),
    for k odd.
  • L(kn + m) (−1)(n+1)k/2 L(m) (mod L(n)),
    for k even.
  • L(kn+m) (−1)(n+1)(k−1)/2 F(m) L(n−1) (mod L(n)),
    for k odd.

Friday, August 6, 2010

FT15: F(kn+m) and L(kn+m) mod L(n )

In this section, we look at the remaining four formulas from part 13, reducing them modulo L(n):

  • 5k/2 F (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F ( j + m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k even.
  • 5(k+1)/2 F(kn+m)
    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L( j+m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k odd.
  • 5k/2 L (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L ( j + m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k even.
  • 5(k−1)/2 L(kn+m)
    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F( j+m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k odd.

Each term in each of these sums is a multiple of L(n), with the possible exception of the terms with j=0. So we get the following congruences:

  • 5k/2 F (kn + m) F ( m ) L(n−1)k (mod L(n)), for k even.
  • 5(k+1)/2 F(kn+m) L( m ) L(n−1)k (mod L(n)), for k odd.
  • 5k/2 L (kn + m) L ( m ) L(n−1)k (mod L(n)), for k even.
  • 5(k−1)/2 L(kn+m) F( m ) L(n−1)k (mod L(n)), for k odd.

Simplify these using the congruence L(n−1)2 5 (−1)n+1 (mod L(n)):

  • 5k/2 F (kn + m) F (m) (5 (−1)n+1)k/2 (mod L(n)), for k even.
  • 5(k+1)/2 F(kn+m) L(m) L(n−1) (5 (−1)n+1)(k−1)/2 (mod L(n)), for k odd.
  • 5k/2 L (kn + m) L (m) (5 (−1)n+1)k/2 (mod L(n)), for k even.
  • 5(k−1)/2 L(kn+m) F(m) L(n−1) (5 (−1)n+1)(k−1)/2 (mod L(n)), for k odd.

Now, L(n) is relatively prime to every power of 5, so we can conclude:

  • F(kn + m) (−1)(n+1)k/2 F (m) (mod L(n)), for k even.
  • 5 F(kn+m) (−1)(n+1)(k−1)/2 L(m) L(n−1) (mod L(n)), for k odd.
  • L(kn + m) (−1)(n+1)k/2 L(m) (mod L(n)), for k even.
  • L(kn+m) (−1)(n+1)(k−1)/2 F(m) L(n−1) (mod L(n)), for k odd.

FT14: F(kn+m) and L(kn+m) mod F(n )

Next we'll look at the formulas from part 13, but taken modulo F(n) or L(n).

First, though, let's mention a couple of simple formulas which will be useful. Start with the following, which can be proven by mathematical induction.)

  • F(n−1) F(n+1) = F(n)2+(−1)n
  • L(n−1) L(n+1) = L(n)2+5 (−1)n+1

We'll reduce these modulo F(n) and L(n), respectively. Using the fact that F(n−1) F(n+1) (mod F(n)), and similarly for L, we get:

  • F(n−1)2 (−1)n (mod F(n))
  • L(n−1)2 5 (−1)n+1 (mod L(n))

Now, consider the following two formulas from section 13:

  • F (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F ( j + m ) F(n) j F(n−1)kj
  • L (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L ( j + m ) F(n) j F(n−1)kj

All the terms in the two sums are multiples of F(n) except possibly for the j=0 term in each.

In consequence, we have the following congruences:

  • F (kn + m) F (m) F(n−1)k (mod F(n))
  • L (kn + m) L (m) F(n−1)k (mod F(n))

Now, applying the congruence above for F(n−1)2, we have:

  • F (kn + m) (−1)nk/2 F (m) (mod F(n)), for k even
  • F (kn + m) (−1)n(k−1)/2 F (m) F(n−1) (mod F(n)), for k odd
  • L (kn + m) (−1)nk/2 L (m) (mod F(n)), for k even
  • L (kn + m) (−1)n(k−1)/2 L (m) F(n−1) (mod F(n)), for k odd

FT13: Summary of Formulas for F(kn+m) and L(kn+m)

The previous two sections covered a variety of formulas for F(kn+m) and L(kn+m); we summarize them here.

Formulas for the Fibonacci numbers:

  • F (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F ( j + m ) F(n) j F(n−1)kj, for any k.
  • 5k/2 F (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F ( j + m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k even.
  • 5(k+1)/2 F(kn+m)
    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L( j+m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k odd.

Formulas for the Lucas numbers:

  • L (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L ( j + m ) F(n) j F(n−1)kj, for any k.
  • 5k/2 L (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L ( j + m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k even.
  • 5(k−1)/2 L(kn+m)
    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F( j+m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k odd.

FT12: Lucas-Based Formulas for F(kn+m) and L(kn+m)

Let's follow the method of the last section, but using the formula

  • (L(kn−1) + φL(kn))/√5 = (L(n−1) + φL(n))k/√5k

with Lucas numbers, instead of the similar formula with Fibonacci numbers).

Using the binomial formula and the equation φ j = (L( j − 1 ) + φ L ( j )) / √5, we get:

  • 5k/2 (L(kn−1) + φ L(kn))

    = √5 (L(n−1) + φ L(n))k

    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  )5 φ j L(n) j L(n−1)kj

    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) (L( j−1 ) + φ L( j )) L(n) j L(n−1)kj

    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L( j−1 ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj  +
           φ ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L( j ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj

We'll need to treat this differently based on whether the number k is even or odd.

Case 1: k is even.

If k is even, then 5k/2 is an integer. It follows that, as in part 11, we can apply the fact that a + bβ = c + dβ implies that a = c and b = d if a, b, c, and d are rational and β is irrational, to conclude that the following two formulas must be true:

  • 5k/2 L (kn − 1) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L ( j − 1 ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k even
  • 5k/2 L (kn) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L ( j ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k even

Combine these two formulas with the basic recurrence relation for the Lucas numbers to yield:

  • 5k/2 L (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L ( j + m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k even.

Also, the formula F(x) = (L(x−1) + L(x+1)) / 5 gives us:

  • 5k/2 F (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F ( j + m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, for k even.

Case 2: k is odd.

If k is odd, then 5k/2 is an integer multiple of 5, so it is irrational.

We'll start with the formula 5k/2 (L(kn−1) + φ L(kn)) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L( j−1 ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj +
φ ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L( j ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj, from right before we split into two cases.

Multiply by 2φ−1 = 5 and use the fact that φ √5 = φ + 2 to yield:

  • 5(k+1)/2 (L(kn−1) + φ L(kn))

    = (2φ−1) ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L( j−1 ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj  +
           (φ+2) ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L( j ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj

    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) (2 L( j ) − L( j−1 )) L(n) j L(n−1)kj  +
     φ ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) (2 L( j−1 ) + L( j ) )L(n) j L(n−1)kj

    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) 5 F( j−1 ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj  +
           φ ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) 5 F( j ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj

Since we're assuming that k is odd, 5(k+1)/2 is an integer, and, dividing by 5, it follows that:

  • 5(k−1)/2 L(kn−1)
    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F( j−1 ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj


  • 5(k−1)/2 L(kn)
    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F( j ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj.

We can apply the recurrence relations for F and L to conclude that:

  • 5(k−1)/2 L(kn+m)
    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F( j+m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj,
    for k odd.

Finally, using the facts that 5F(x) = L(x−1) + L(x+1) and L(x) = F(x−1) + F(x+1), we have:

  • 5(k+1)/2 F(kn+m)
    = ∑0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L( j+m ) L(n) j L(n−1)kj,
    for k odd.

FT11: Fibonacci-Based Formulas for F(kn+m) and L(kn+m)

In the last section, we derived the following form of our analogue to de Moivre's theorem:

  • F(kn−1) + φ F(kn) = (F(n−1) + φ F(n))k

Expanding the expression on the right with the binomial formula, applying the equation φ j = F( j − 1 ) + φ F ( j ), and then using the fact that a + bβ = c + dβ implies that a = c and b = d if a, b, c, and d are rational and β is irrational, one obtains the following two formulas:

  • F (kn − 1) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F ( j − 1 ) F(n) j F(n−1)kj
  • F (kn) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F ( j ) F(n) j F(n−1)kj

Combine these two formulas with the basic recurrence relation for the Fibonacci numbers to yield:

  • F (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) F ( j + m ) F(n) j F(n−1)kj

Using the fact that L(x) = F(x−1) + F(x+1), we can also see that:

  • L (kn + m) = 0 ≤ jk (  k   j  ) L ( j + m ) F(n) j F(n−1)kj

FT10: More on the de Moivre Analogue

In part 9, we looked at an analogue to de Moivre's theorem. Slightly rephrased, we saw that:

  • L(n)/2 + √5 F(n)/2 = φn

so that:

  • L(kn)/2 + √5 F(kn)/2 = (L(n)/2 + √5 F(n)/2)k.

However, we would like to eliminate the factors of ½, since, when we derive other formulas from these, the ½'s end up obscuring which numbers are integers.

We'll actually do this in two ways, one using the Fibonacci numbers and one using the Lucas numbers.

Taking the formula φn = L(n)/2 + √5 F(n)/2, rewriting 5 as 2φ − 1, and using the fact that L(n) = 2F(n−1) + F(n) yields:

  • φn = F(n−1) + φ F(n)

Similarly, but using the fact that F(n) = (2L(n−1) + L(n))/5, we get:

  • φn = (L(n−1) + φL(n))/√5

Alternatively, one can prove these two formulas for φn by mathematical induction.

Plugging these expressions into the formula n)k = φnk results in two more forms of our analogue to de Moivre's theorem:

  • F(kn−1) + φ F(kn) = (F(n−1) + φ F(n))k
  • (L(kn−1) + φL(kn))/√5 = (L(n−1) + φL(n))k/√5k

Next we'll look at some applications of these formulas.

FT9: de Moivre's Formula

In this section, we look at the analogue to de Moivre's formula, cos kx + i sin kx = (cos x + i sin x)k.

Let n be any integer. We know that L(n) + √5 F(n) = 2 φn.

It follows that, for any non-negative integer k:

  • L(kn) + √5 F(kn) = (L(n) + √5 F(n))k / 2k—1

If k is positive, we can expand this using the binomial theorem. Then, applying the fact that a + bβ = c + dβ implies that a = c and b = d if a, b, c, and d are rational and β is irrational, we can derive the following two formulas:

  • 2k—1 L(kn) = 0 ≤ j ≤ [k/2] (  k j ) 5 j F(n) 2j L(n) k—2j
  • 2k—1 F(kn) = 0 ≤ j ≤ [(k—1)/2] (      k     j + 1 ) 5 j F(n)2j+1 L(n)k—2j—1

Note: [x] here denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x.

However, the factor 2k—1 here gets in the way, and we'll come up with more useful versions of these formulas in the next section.