Tuesday, July 27, 2010

FT2: The Canonical Basis & Closed-Form Expressions

This is the second in a series of posts on Fibonacci trigonometry:

Part 1: Basic Definitions

Part 2: The Canonical Basis and Closed-Form Expressions

Part 3: The Basic Analogies

Part 4: Fibonacci Formulas Using sinh, etc. — Real Number Version

Part 5: Fibonacci Formulas Using sinh, etc. — Complex Number Version

Part 6: Trigonometric-Style Identities

Part 7: The Fibonacci Tangent and Cotangent Functions

Part 8: Recurrence Relations for Ftan and Fcot


If u satisfies the equation 1 + u = u2, then the function that maps n to un is a generalized Fibonacci sequence. We'll call this function u*.

There are two solutions to the equation 1 + u = u2: φ = (1 + √5)/2 = 1.618... (the "golden ratio"), and φ' = 1–φ = –1/φ = (1 – √5)/2 = -0.618....

One can see that any generalized Fibonacci function can be written in the form a φ* + b φ'* for uniquely determined constants a and b.

In other words, {φ*, φ'*} is a basis for the vector space of generalized Fibonacci functions (under the naturally defined pointwise operations).

This gives us a closed-form expression for any generalized Fibonacci function f: Take a = (–φ' f (0) + f (1))/√5 and b = f (0) – f (1))/√5. Then f (n) = a φ* (n) + b φ'* (n) for every integer n.

For our purposes, it's useful to rewrite a φ*(n) + b φ'*(n) as a φn + b (–φ)–n.

In particular, the standard Fibonacci and Lucas sequences can be written as follows:

  • F(n) = (φn – (–φ)–n)/√5
  • L(n) = φn + (–φ)–n
Note that I haven't tried to normalize these in any sense, since I wanted to keep the standard integer-valued functions.

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